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Impact Talks is a community for telephone fundraising professionals

Transforming Telephone Fundraising Together

Join virtual and in-person events, networking and get access to comprehensive resources.

We're creating a thriving professional development space to elevate the field of telephone fundraising all year round.

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Join our next live event

Growing Donor Value

Harnessing the Power of Telephone Fundraising

Six 30-minute sessions including live Q&As.

Tuesday, April 8, 2025

10:00–13:00 CET



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* Community membership. One-month free trial.

The Challenge We’re Overcoming

Impact Talks session in Rome in January 2025

In today's fundraising landscape, we face a paradox

While telephone fundraising remains one of the most effective channels for donor engagement, professional development in this crucial area has been largely overlooked.

You struggle to secure attention and budget
Despite proven ROI, telephone fundraising often gets overlooked in strategic planning and budget allocation.
You face challenges with innovation and new campaign types
This makes it difficult to evolve beyond traditional approaches and implement new campaign formats effectively.
You suffer from complex supplier relationships and financial models
You therefore have to navigate the intricacies of working with agencies while ensuring cost-effectiveness and quality.
Donor growth strategies are limited
You face obstacles in finding new ways to acquire, retain, and upgrade donors through telephone fundraising.
You’re limited by database growth constraints
This means you struggle to identify and access quality donor lists to expand your fundraising database.

Does this sound familiar? Join the Impact Talks Community and start your journey towards better fundraising.

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Trusted by leading charities

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The Future of Fundraising Calls

Through structured training programs, networking and shared best practices, we're elevating the capabilities of both in-house teams and external suppliers.  

This leads to better donor experiences and more sustainable fundraising outcomes.

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Telephone Tuesday is crucial for our growth and donor engagement, boosting connections and driving impactful conversations. We need a community to come together as a sector and grow.

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Kasper Viebke

Danish Refugee Council
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Telemarketing remains a cornerstone of successful donor engagement and fundraising efforts. We need a platform for professionals to share insights, explore new strategies, and discuss the challenges and opportunities unique to this field.

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Konsta Erola

Kipinä Marketing Oy
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